
Former US President George H.W. Bush Dies At Age 94

Former US President George Herbert Walker Bush has died at the age of 94.

A family spokesman said he died shortly before 10 p.m. Friday, Nov 30th almost eight months after the death of his wife, Barbara Bush.

His son, former President George W. Bush also released a statement confirming his father’s death.

“Jeb, Neil, Marvin, Doro and I are saddened to announced that after 94 remarkable years, our dear Dad has died,” his son said in a statement released Friday night.

“George H.W. Bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for. The entire Bush family is deeply grateful for 41’s life and love, for the compassion of those who have cared and prayed for Dad, and for the condolences of our friends and fellow citizens,” the statement read.

Grandson George P. Bush said on Twitter Friday night, “He was more than a great man; he was a good man. His courage was matched by his compassion; and his dedication to country was equaled only by his devotion to his family.”

Bush was the nation’s 41st president who served from 1989 to 1993, and eight years later watched his son George W. became the 43rd president.

Bush had also been a World War II hero, Texas congressman, CIA director and Ronald Reagan’s vice

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