
REVOLUTION: The Only Solution To Nigeria’s Ugly Situation – Yoruba Youth Council


REVOLUTION; the only solution to Nigeria’s ugly situation: Yoruba Youth Counci

Reacting to the question on what is the way out of the current menace in the Nigerian governmental system, the Chairman of YYC in ondo state; Pastor Benson Akinwumi said in an interview with our correspondence that in his own opinion, the only way out for Nigeria from this level of decadence which has eaten deep into all the sectors of the economy is REVOLUTION and not restructuring yet.

In his reaction, the youth leader was quoted as saying that;

“the state of the Nation as of today is far beyond decadence; not even one of the sectors of the economy is without corruption”

“This is not the nation we prayed for, this is not the democracy we’ve fought and are fighting for; the voices that ought to speak for the masses has gone to oblivion, the people at the helm of our affairs are without vision and that is why destruction is inevitable”

“We have over 50 different political parties in Nigeria whose major objective is gendered towards how to use the helpless youth as an instrument for the implementation of their selfish agendas. And this not unconnected with the fact that the Nigerian democratic system is base on individual interest; People don’t come together because they share the same people oriented ideologies, but because they share common interests at some point in time which is a connivance against the masses and that is why you see our politicians running from one political party to another once their self-centered agreement is breached in anyway”

“Everyone of the self imposed leaders we have today has no interest of the masses and especially the youths who are said to be the hope of tomorrow at heart and that is why they don’t care ever if our education system is bad or worse, they don’t care about how many more people are dying everyday and it is quite visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that the economy of the nation is at standstill. And all of these began the very day we start keeping silence on things that are killing us as the saying goes that the man dies who keep silence in the face of tyranny”

“I want to state emphatically that we cannot continue in this path of injustice, insecurities, religious and ethnic cleansing and general imbalances.
That is why I’m calling on faithful youths who still believe in the Nigeria of our dream to let’s together rise and take action now; it is revolution first before restructuring; our problems will continue to strive if we don’t stop adding bricks to this structure whose foundation” was laid with deceit and corruption”

“Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound? No!
Not until when we have people with integrity, who are truly committed to restoring this nation to the path of truth, justice and righteousness which is the only key to tranquility and unity; Leaders who are not interested in self aggrandizement and wealth accumulation but with sincere and passionate affection for the poor masses, if this is what make a leader, then we don’t have one yet in Nigeria.
It is on this position that we stand.”
REVOLUTION or nothing else
God bless Nigeria

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One Comment

  1. ILOVEyour write up.we have been praying for people like you.We are praying you and others like minded would not be bought with millions of Naira.Frankly speaking we dont HAVE leaders in Yoruba land.l will take time to share some things I bothering my heart as a Yoruba citizenship.Our key Yoruba Leaders sold us to Hausa.lbo brothers have no much problems.it is time a transformational leaders emerge,who will deliver us from the hand of the son of the bond woman who are ready to wipe away CHRITIANS in our own father land.

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