
Oyscatech Students Make A Protest For Resumption After 4 Months Strike.

The students of Oyo state college of agriculture and technology have been deprived off their right to education by both the school management and the Oyo state government . This is because the state government has failed to pay the 21 months areas salary owned by the state, it is on this note that the students of students of Oyo state college of agriculture and technology led by Com. Destiny who is the student union governor embarked on a protest.

It was a peaceful protest with the consent of the police in Igboora ,the students went to Baba Aso palace and Towobowo to show their displeasure about the ongoing strike which is almost 4 months.

“we stand  to resume back for to our education and we say no to BAEDUCAS (bad education system) in the entire Oyo state.

The protest started after the staff meeting on Thursday 20/09/2018 which later resulted in two weeks break.

Even though it was a peaceful protest but to the surprise of the students on 21/09/2018 during the evening period the FSARS officers came and started shooting , even though there was no causality but some of the students were arrested.
A lot of students were with different hand banner titles.

We hereby huge oyscatech management and the Oyo state government to turn up to our clamoring and lets us resume back to school.

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