
[Poem] Sing This Song No More By Truth Abeex

Am sorry, am sorry is your lyrics
It will never happen again is your bridge
I promise is your chorus
Pls Sing This Song No More
You call me a stubborn goat
Doing what you dislike is what I love doing most
Is betting me the solution
Pls Sing This Song No More
You said,you love me
Life without me is zero
But you already killing me slowly
Pls Sing This Song No More
My body has turn to something easy
Still I sing your praise to people
Even when on hospital bed
You are the best is my lyrics
I still love to sing that song
You said,you are not perfect
Likewise me
You said,you are not the best
Just like me
But why can’t you understand me
The way I do
Your lyrics and bridge I hate
Your promise I need no more
Action towards your words I need
Pls Sing This Song No More

writing by Truth Abeex

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